Belated ICLW Welcome!!!

I just realized that I did not make a post saying hello to everyone stopping by from International Comment Leaving Week (ICLW) this is my first time participating in ICLW, and so far it is AMAZING!!! The amount of support from other bloggers that are also dealing with infertility issues is astounding!!!

Here is a synopsis of our infertility journey… We’ve been TTC actively for 12 months, but we have not been actively preventing for years!!!  I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 12 and my husband has rock star sperm.. We first started having treatments with my OB/GYN with timed intercourse & clomid, then we went to an RE and did 6 IUI’s which all failed.  We moved onto IVF in June and that failed and now we are cycling for a FET cycle…I hope this trend of failing ends!!!

Thanks for reading!!!

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. EmHart
    Aug 24, 2012 @ 08:29:01

    Hello! Thanks for stopping by. I love making new bloggy friends. Have a happy ICLW.


  2. sams
    Aug 24, 2012 @ 10:07:50

    Wow, that’s crazy you were diagnosed with PCOS at such an early age! I had no idea it could be diagnosed so young. It sucks that you have PCOS but at least you’ve known about it for a while. I have endometriosis and it went undiagnosed for YEARS. If it had been caught sooner, I might not have so much scar tissue and would have an easier time conceiving. Stupid IF!


  3. triedandtrying
    Aug 24, 2012 @ 10:36:50

    I hope the trend of failing ends, too! Fingers crossed for you!


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