My friends lost their baby…

My very best friends were due with a baby girl on 8/14 and I got a text on 8/15 that the baby died…I dont understand how something like that can happen…I have no words for them…I cannot even imagine the pain they are in right now…I want to be able to take that away but there is nothing I can do or anyone that will make this any better…I started to cry when I heard that…we just had a baby shower for her a couple of weeks ago and I was planning on having brunch with her this past sunday…I was hoping that the text would be about baby stats…I know that nothing in life is guaranteed but to lose a full term baby is just NOT FUCKING RIGHT!!!  They loved this baby before she was even here and now they have to say goodbye…life can be very cruel sometimes…I am going to send them a card since I dont want to be intrusive in this their time of grief…I am not religious but I know they are so I am going to go to a local church and see if I can get a prayer card to give to them…I love them both so much and my heart breaks for them…I think of her as a new angel

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