I stopped Estrogen!!!

So I got the call to stop the estrogen yesterday…I was originally supposed to stop on Friday but I guess my levels were good enough that it wasnt necessary to continue…I am also supposed to stop the PIO in 16 days, 11/2, which will make me 10 weeks 2 days…I am kinda nervous about stopping cold turkey but my dr. said by that time the placenta will have taken over producing the hormones so it wont be necessary…I know I may sound crazy but to stop taking the shots is worrisome…At one point my progesterone was low at 4.2 and they had me start the PIO…my levels are normal now but what happens if they drop significantly and since I am not seeing a dr. every week this could be an issue…I may talk to my OB about it since I dont want to stop if there could be a potential problem…I know some women go until they are 12 weeks and others stop between 8-10…lets see what he says…

I graduated from my RE today!!!

I cannot believe that the day is here…we finally made it to 8 weeks pregnant today…I had my sono and the baby is measuring right on track and the hb is 155bpm…he/she is looking so much bigger and you can see the arm buds and everything…they checked for the SCH and it couldnt be found so they think it has been resolved…I still have some brown spotting but I feel good that its not there anymore…I have my first OB appt on 10/23 and my EDD is 5/29/13 which is 1 day before my hubby’s bday and 6 days after my bday…what a great present this will be to the both of us…I am now going to start tracking this pregnancy with a new blog since I dont know how anyone will feel about me posting about the pregnancy when they are struggling…I know I felt a bit jealous…I will post the new blog address for anyone who is still interested in following my journey…even though I am pregnant I still consider myself an infertile survivor!!!

This is how I feel right now!!!

Today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day…

The Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Movement began in the United States on October 25, 1988 when then-American President Ronald Reagan designated the month of October 1988 as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.

The October 15th Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day (PAILRD) Campaign began in 2002 as an American movement started by Robyn Bear, Lisa Brown, and Tammy Novak. Together, they petitioned the federal government, as well as the governors of each of the 50 states, and by October 15, 2002 (the first observance of PAILRD) 20 states had signed proclamations recognizing the date as such.

As a result of the American campaign effort, Concurrent Resolution H. CON. RES. 222 Supporting the goals and ideals of National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day was passed in the House of Representatives on September 28, 2006.

The International Wave of Light invites participants from around the world to light a candle in honor of PAILRD, starting at 1900 hours please light a candle today, October 15 in your respective time zones, and leave the candle burning for at least an hour. The result is a continuous chain of light spanning the globe for a 24 hour period in honor and remembrance of the children who die during pregnancy or shortly after birth.

When will the spotting end???

So since I had the SCH I have had brown discharge/spotting since last week…I know its not bad since its not red but it gets annoying to see it…I just want it to be over… I have read that it is probably the SCH resolving which is good but to see any type of spotting sucks!!!  I cannot wait for Wednesday to come since I will have my 8 week sono!!!  It is bittersweet since that will be the last time I go to my RE’s office…I am happy and sad…

My worst nightmare!!!

I was sitting on the couch and I saw that my pants were wet and I was bleeding… I went to the bathroom and a large clot fell in the toilet… I grabbed it out and called my hubby since I was freaking out… He called the RE and they said to lay down and keep the clot… I was not cramping and the bleeding stopped… I barely slept last night and we went to the RE this morning and all I could think of was the worst… I thank god that the baby was still there hb was 132…they saw a hemotoma but they think it will heal in a couple of weeks… No sex for 2 weeks at least… I was beyond scared and I am glad that everything is ok…I realized that anything can happen at any time…

Where are you from???

I am really curious to find out where everyone is from…are there any people around the world…I think there are some readers who are from around the world which is soo intriguing…I am from the United States…specifically from NYC…also for the U.S. readers which state do you reside in???

Sonogram #2 was today…

and I was a bit sad that hubby wasnt able to get out of a meeting to come with me so I was a bit anxious about going alone…I was hopeful to see a heartbeat since I am 6 weeks 6 days…well not only did I see it I actually heard it!!!  I cannot believe it…it was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard…it was 124bpm which is perfect for where I am now…I think now they say that once you hear the heartbeat you are at a reduced risk for a miscarriage so that really lifts a weight off my heart and shoulders…I know its not guaranteed but we have made it past another hurdle…I was told to make my first ob appt. for a week after my last sono which will be next Wednesday…I cannot believe that soon I will be like any other pregnant woman…I know its crazy to say that but going through IVF you do not feel like a “normal” person who can get pregnant without intervention…I am so excited!!!!!!!!

Here is the bean!!!

Called the RE…

I also called the dr. regarding my progesterone level and how I was concerned…they basically said when you are on the suppositories your uterus may be absorbing all of it and not getting into your bloodstream which is good but as a precaution they want to see my blood serum levels higher…they didnt seem concerned since I had no bleeding and cramping which would be a bad sign that my lining was shedding and I was miscarrying…also since the ultrasound was normal for where I should be with the low progesterone that is also a good sign…I hope this baby wants to stick around for the long haul..I caught myself talking to my stomach…I said we both want you so badly so please grow to be healthy and strong…I cannot believe we made it to the 6 week mark…I am dying to take pictures to track my progress but I am kinda scared that maybe this wont work…I guess its out of my control now so I should just embrace each and every moment that I am pregnant!!!

P.S. – So basically I have been nauseous for about a week now…its usually in the mornings when I feel the need to throw up or I actually do…I have found that crackers and ginger ale has been my meal of choice…yesterday I was feeling better and actually ate some soup for lunch and had a salad for dinner but today I am back to not feeling too hot…I am trying not to complain since the dr’s office said that is a good sign of a healthy pregnancy…

In the Womb Documentary

I found this National Geographic documentary about the development of embryos in the uterus…if you go to to the youtube link you will see that this it in 10 parts and in total its over an hour long…it is amazing and I would recommend watching it!!!

My Progesterone is Low…

So after the sono and bloodwork I was told I wouldnt get a call but lucky me I did…I knew it wasnt good news…I was told that my hcg and e2 levels were good but my progesterone levels are low so they are putting me back on PIO…I asked what my levels were and they went from 14.8 to 4.2…I got freaked out since I thought the suppositories would do the trick but I guess my body wasnt absorbing them like I should…I started googling and that is always a bad thing!!!  I need to stop doing that…you hear horror stories…I take it all with perspective since you can have a miscarriage at any point so I am not going to stress about it too much…I know the PIO will do the trick and from what I read as long as I am not cramping or bleeding everything is still on track…I have also read that when you’re not using PIO, you can’t accurately check your progesterone levels… Suppositories do NOT go into your blood  stream but rather more directly to the area it’s closest to, therefore, you don’t get an accurate level of how much progesterone you’re really getting…so we shall see if this all works out but I do have faith it will!!!

Previous Older Entries

She Picks Up Pennies

Living a More Purposeful Life One Cent at a Time

In Quest of a Binky Moongee

The Journey of Making a Baby Despite the Diagnosis of Diminished Ovarian Reserve

From Portlandia to Walla-Where?

Creativity From Every Corner of the Northwest.


A healthy lifestyle made simple.

Hello My Name Is TUBELESS

a girl without fallopian tubes had a baby!


the random ramblings of a stay-at-home-mom


living in the middle | navigating infertility

Journey For My Baby

Mommy After Infertility

Ditch the Bun

Not your average Librarian

A Lot of Things

A little bit about a lot of things.

A Storybook Life

Because all stories are better with a few twists and turns.

Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright

A blog about managing PCOS, motherhood, and marriage.


The road to conceiving a baby....enjoying food and life along the way

Movable Type



Food & inspiration

The Dancing Egg

An IVF Story for the Over 40 Crowd

ourlastembryo's Blog

Endometriosis & Infertility. The road to overcoming invisible illnesses

The Natural Verve

Simple enthusiasm for life's obsessions!